Monday, August 10, 2009

Grateful for generosity

The thought just came to me, as I was playing with Gabe and some toys, that I am very grateful for all the help that the hubby and I have recieved over the past few years from family; if it wasn't for his parents we wouldn't have this beautiful house. If my mom hadn't come by nearly every day for the first six weeks of Gabe's life I'm not sure I would've made it. If my Aunt C hadn't given us soooo much baby stuff (crib/bed, clothes, dresser) we wouldn't have had it and would have had to use our very limited funds to buy it. Gabe is STILL wearing clothes that Aunt C gave us years ago that her boys have grown out of. Our change table and some other great toys came from our friends. Gabe's toybox/coffee table was a gift from DH's mom and dad. So is the kitchen table. My home is filled with things that people have given us freely and for that I will always be grateful.

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