Monday, February 18, 2013

D is for Divine

As covered previously I'm a devotee of Artemis, but I wasnt' always this way. My belief in the gods has morphed over the years I've been a pagan from hard polytheist to atheist to soft polytheist, which is where I sit now. How can I be both a devotee of Artemis, a singluar Goddess of a specific pantheon, AND a soft polytheist who believes that all gods are faces of one divine unity? Easy. It's faith. It doesn't always have to make sense, though it's nice when it happens.

Soft polytheists, such as myself, see the gods and goddesses as parts of a divine whole or as part of a larger God and Goddess. Many Wiccans, probably most I would guess, fall into this catagory. The God and Goddess are *all* gods and goddesses, which is why during esbats and sabbats it's normal to invoke a specific deity and follow it with the Charge of the Goddess (or God, though that's much rarer).

Stella, Sol and Luna by Selina Fenech
 Hard polytheists often make up the Reconstructionist paths, the Celtcs, Hellenics and Heathens and Asatruar. These Pagans see the Gods and Goddesses each as individual beings, powerful and alive and actually existing. Where, I'm not sure, but Somewhere. Our prayers are heard, our offerings appreciated, and it's more of an actual relationship.

It doesn't matter to me who's 'right' in their thinking. There is no right or wrong here because it can't be empirically proven either way. Proof of the gods, outside of individual experience, is not really proof at all, so it's a moot point to try and make. I'd be happy to go to a Hellenic Reconstructionist ritual sometime, as I have a feeling that I'd be quite comfortable there, just as I'm happy to be doing what I'm doing with the Aquarian Tabernacle Church and Wicca. For me there's no division or chasm between the two 'sides'. It's a non-issue, though for some Pagans I realize it's a Big Deal. 'An it harm none, do as you will' is how I choose to act here; someone choosing to believe in the Divine in their own way is none of my business and more power to them, as long as they're not hurting themselves or anyone else.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Pagan Blogging: Children

Last night I was on a Skype call with my postulancy group and mentors and during most of the first half, my daughter (5 months) was laying on the floor nearby, kicking her little legs, while wearing a set of sleigh bells. My hubby thought this was hiliarious, but I knew it was coming through loud and clear on the speakers to everyone else and asked him to take them off. He didn't, and the call continued. Later, near the end, the HPS present said that while we do these meetings we're to behave as if we're in ritual space, to go through the motions of the ritual (our Esbat piece) and say it to ourselves if we're not the ones actually saying it aloud. This gave me serious pause- my computer is currently housed at the kitchen table. For me to do that I'd be 'in Circle' where my kids are playing and my hubs is watching/reading something online or reading. It's a common use area. I said "I suppose I could go hide myself in my room" and the HPS said something that's really stuck with me. (I'm paraphrasing here)
She grew up in a family tradition, seeing ritual all the time and participating in it. If I want to bring my kids up Pagan, and I do, then stay in the kitchen and let them see me doing my thing.

She's absolutely right. This is my space too, and my beliefs and practises. I shouldn't feel like I have any reason at all to hide. I said to my hubs after the call was over that I didn't want him to feel like I was intruding on HIS space or anything (he's pretty agnostic) and he was fine with it. He's usually pretty fine with everything I do around the Circle, except watching the baby when I'm doing priestess work, so that didn't surprise me.

Gabe has been to a couple of rituals but he's more interested in running around or playing than participating, but Katherine has been going to them since she was just a couple of weeks old. Where I go, she goes, except the last 3 Sabbats. It's really really hard to Priestess with a baby in my arms, so she's been staying with hubs. She hasnt' missed an Esbat though. Part of why Gabe doesnt' come is I don't know how to include him; a lot of the themes and mysteries are over his head. Something more to think on; how to include my Children more in my Craft.

How do you include kids in your rituals, either your own or others? We say at the Circle kids are welcome, and they definitely are, but we haven't been making any attempt to make sure that if kids do show up with intent to participate and not just be 'around', they have a way to join in that's on their level.