Friday, November 11, 2011

The Heroic Life

Drew write so well. I am becoming less afraid and more thinking that this is something I could do, that I should do.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Samhain 2011

Wow, what a night. I had the honour of holding the Western doorway, the gateway and veils between the worlds, for the ritual in the new circle. It was draining and painful but worth it. I rarely if ever get that close to that side of the coin and it was a humbling experience I hope I never forget. Many thanks to the strong leadership of the circle for making it all come together so well, despite the highly charged nature of the ritual.

Oddly, I'm hoping we get together again soon for the full moon coming up.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

My former HP posted up an interesting link the other day to an article at Pantheon covering the Gospel of the Witches. How is it I've never heard of this book before, and how is it that in my years of studying Artemesian myths and legends I've never come across her role as protector of slaves and the oppressed? Granted, that aspect is based off a very specific time and location in the Roman empire, but there it is nonetheless. Perhaps this ties in with Artemis' aspects of freedom and independence (very difficult to have if you're a slave or an oppressed class like a woman), something she cherished above all else. I'll have to try and find a copy of this book and have a peek.

Friday, September 30, 2011

An update! Moving Inside and Out

Wow, it's been a year since I posted last. That's way too long.

We're in Nanaimo now and I've found the Pagans; lovely folk, welcoming and warm. They've just started a new circle and teamed up with the ATC Wiccans and have invited me to be on the ground floor of things. I'm not sure if I want too, have time or the energy. The new job is pretty draining, what with needing to be perfect at everything all the time. I'm not Wiccan, have no desire to BE Wiccan, and am not too enthused about the ATC ritual format, though I have to say having someone saying "Thou Art Goddess" and kiss you on the cheek as you enter the circle is mighty fine.

I miss my old group. I miss them SO MUCH. Our last ritual together was at summer solstice and was a huge letting go of them, of the old place and space, my HOME both physically and spiritually. My heart and soul was built on the bones of the Canadian Shield, with whispering pines and brilliant red maples and deep snow drifts. This new place is strange; the trees aren't turning colour and it's still warm out enough during the day that you dont' *really* need a coat. It rains a lot. The new group is surprisingly like the old group; loose and fun and funny. We game on Friday nights. I don't think I'll join in on the ground floor. I think there's something else for me. I wish there was a Reclaiming group around here. Also, I have no idea where the First Nations people are, other than Not Here. I haven't seen hardly any since the move. I've been trying to remember and keep with some of the traditions I learned at ceremonies, about not touching my sacred tools during my moon time and wearing a skirt to rituals, but there's just noone out here that shares a similar Path to mine. Pagan Pride was great but I missed out on a workshop I wanted to attend because I was reading tarot.

Supper time now. More soon. Meegwetch.