Well, that was interesting! I just got done hosting the head of the ATC Canada here in my livingroom. I'm exhausted, overwhelmed and need a nap. Groceries are going to have to wait. It was wonderful to meet Arch Priestess Michelle, her husband and Arch Priest Eric, and the Maiden from up in Courtney-Comox, Dawn. Things are going to be moving quickly and steadily the next few months I think, and there will be more than enough to keep me busy while I'm off with Raisin.
Also, apparently, I've been 'called'. I've never felt a calling from anyone before; this is the first time I feel Artemis, or what I identify as Artemis, has spoken to me directly. It might be the combination of lack of food and the company, but when we were talking about the Spiral Scouts at the end and I half-jokingly said "Ok, looks like I'm running that!" I saw Her and She nodded and said "Yes you are." I'm not even kidding. She was standing in the distance, like on a hill with the sky behind her, nothing but clouds, in a tunic with her bow in hand. I couldn't see Her face but she had Her hands on Her hips and then one pointed at me. It happened in an instant, but it did happen. So now I know and I can get started on that. After a nap.
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