When the Universe speaks, not a whisper or intuition, but directly in your ear, a shout, I listen. I have too. It's a part of my motto "To Thine Own Self Be True." We're all star-stuff, a part of but apart from Creation and the Creator, and when I hear that voice speak, always in my right ear, to not listen would be to betray myself. Case in point: I read tarot. I used to read professionally for a couple of years. Reading tarot is a way to tap directly into the Divine through my own intuition and Self. A lot of times the cards just say what they say, making sense thanks to their own symbology and where they fall in a spread, but sometimes that voice whispers in my ear extra information that I simply couldn't know about a person or situation, or has a message from the beloved dead.
When I read tarot for myself it gets harder as the Ego has a way of getting in the way but I've gotten fairly good at getting it to sit quiet for a bit while I listen to what the cards are trying to tell me. Focusing my mind ahead of time, of outright praying to Hestia and Hera, the goddesses I'm currently being called too, helps as well. Before deciding on this latest move back to our home province, via a long stop in our hometown, I read my cards and prayed for guidance. They spoke clearly and without hedging; this was going to be a Good Thing and we needed to get on it. There would be some complications (and boy have there been) but in the end this was the right path for our family.
Yesterday while we were out at the T'Souke River (Sooke River) and looking at the potholes carved into the stone along the riverbed we were visited by a butterfly; mostly white with black markings - it first settled down on Katherine, then Ryan, then Kat again, then me, and then fluttered aaaall the way over to where Gabe was sitting by the river, and onto him as well. It was kind of amazing. How rare is it for a butterfly to land on one person, nevermind visit a whole family? I'd say pretty rare. After I finished snapping photos of the butterfly sailing off above the river and we marvelled over it, that quiet little voice in my head told me that it was a sign that the caterpillar part of our life was over.There IS light at the end of this tunnel of moves and scraping by and it's close. It's so close I can feel it even if I can't see it yet, like the coolness of night that borders on cold heralding the approach of Autumn. It's there, just around the river bend, waiting for us. We're ready, we're MORE than ready, to settle down into a Home and begin a new life.