Sunday, December 27, 2009

I have Truths

and I'm ok with that. There are fundamental Truths in my life that I'm not willing to compromise on or change in anyway. Sometimes they come into conflict with mainstream society, or family, but that's ok. There are things one has to hold in one's heart despite what everyone else thinks or says because those things are what make a person.

An thing must be true to it's nature. A tiger must hunt. A dog must track. A plant must grow. To punish something for its' nature is wrong. It's only doing what it must to survive, to live a full and happy life. A person who lives true to their nature is the same. Both Nature and Nurturing have a hand in who we are and that needs to be taken into account when dealing with people.

All humans, no matter their age, need to be loved, nourished and protected. I believe strongly that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights should be a legally binding document that supercedes any and all other gov't law, no matter the level (fed, prov/state, municipal).

A simple, happy life is not something to be looked down on. One does not need a 52" flat-screen tv or a four bedroom house to be happy. One does not need three cars or fancy china or silverwear to have a meaningful life. All a person really needs is to have enough; enough food, water and adequate shelter to be comfortable and safe, and something else that gives their life meaning--job, family, hobby, whatever. By not wanting to aspire to great heights I find myself content with the valleys. I need no castle on the hill, just four sturdy walls, a full fridge and the bills paid.

Love is the greatest thing of all, and truly, all one needs is love. If one is loved, one will have everything they need because those who truly love one another would never let someone go without. Families who love each member truly and equally help each other through the bad times, supporting those who have less by those who have more. Neighbourhoods and cities who care about those who live within their boundaries are the same. Nations that care for their people are also the same. Love of self, love of each other, and love of the earth are all we need. Why is this so hard?